Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mars, the 1,000 year project


  1. So basically the plan is to show up and pollute the planet as much as possible and hope that enough carbon is emitted to sustain plant life. How are the plants going to be rooted? Are we going to tear our trees from earth and transport them there? WHAT DOES THE 2000 YEAR PLAN LOOK LIKE? When do we decide to stop emitting carbon before we put Mars in the same unsustainable state that earth is in? or Maybe we should convince oil tycoons that it isn't their place to run our government and implement a strategy for omitting our dependency of petroleum. If we chose to utilize wind, water, or sunlight as our primary source of energy we wouldn't have to worry about BP dumping crude oil into the Gulf Of Mexico like some sort of God Damn Magic Show. But I am sure that BP will be thrilled to see that our next strategy involves spewing carbon emissions all over the next planet we choose to inhabit. Thank You and Good Night

    1. You do realize that mars has no EXISTING WATER, just ice. There's bacteria in the polar ice caps which means if we melt it the bacteria could possibly produce oxygen and run rampant through photosynthesis causing a massive algae bloom. of course for what we know though. mars has a frozen core. so it isn't exactly all going to be all fun and games, keeping that planets water from eventually freezing again will be a challenge. Though As stephen hawking said in 2008. "If we are to ensure survival of our species, we must stop looking into the earth, and start looking out to the cosmos."

    2. DOM! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU JUST SAID! If what you say is true, then life on a planet other then Earth is MUCH closer then we all think!!!

  2. Plus we would need oil to even get up there. We should conserve it and use only when necessary as such the few trips up to mars pay off the oil companies to not sell but to conserve and use more renewable energy for everyday use.
