Saturday, July 28, 2007

Living in Three Centuries: The Face of Age

112 year 111 day-old African American man — the 16th oldest living person in the world, and the oldest living man in the USA.
Mark Story has captured 72 faces, of individuals who have lived through three centuries. The faces of age is remarkable -- each capturing more than the normal lifetime of stories. Check them out, and read their stories.

The thumbnail on the right is of the oldest living man in the USA. At 112 years old, he saw combat in WWI, where he earned the Victory Medal, the Occupational Medal, and the French Legion of Honor. He has seven children, and worked as a superintendent of a Sunday School class for 75 years. He never smoke, drank or took any kind of medicine. He drove his car until he was 106 years old, and only stopped after his kids hid his car keys.

Arts, Design Blog

Mirror WorldCheck out some really cool images from teh Arts, Design Blog.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Stop Victimizing With Reason

Non SequiturI found this amusing. Go on ... click the thumbnail. It won't hurt, unless you don't like reason.